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Tips For Shopping And Using A 4x4 Roof Rack

A 4x4 roof rack is a good investment for your vehicle. As a form of investment, you canít just hastily pick products or customisation services out there. Also, you have to take good care of it. Below are some tips you can apply when shopping and using a roof rack.

1. Ask your dealer for recommendations.

If your vehicle is still under the original warranty, you should seek advice first from your dealer about your plan of adding a roof rack. He should be able to provide information as to where and how to get premade or bespoke roof rack. In case your vehicle is a secondhand, checking recommendations and reviews online for roof racks manufacturers is more convenient than contacting the reseller.

2. Take note of your car model, manufacturing year and load rating.

You need to provide some information about your vehicle if you are asking for quotes for a bespoke roof rack. This information includes the model, year and load rating. If you did some modifications, you also need to keep a note of the additional weight they come with.

3. Consider how much you can sacrifice for fuel economy and speed.

Even the best roof rack out there is bound to affect a car's fuel economy and speed. This doesn't have to be a problem if you are travelling to short distances. In case you don't, you can go for customisation services and get something that only covers half of your 4x4 car's roof.

4. Choose between fixed or removable. If you choose removable, it should be easy to install and remove.

A permanent 4x4 roof rack saves you the time and effort needed to remove and install a detachable type. Nevertheless, if you only need a roof rack in a few occasions, the removable type will do just fine. Make sure though that it doesn't take forever to remove and install it.

5. Be mindful of vertical clearance.

If you regularly pass by bridges and park in underground parking lots, you need to consider the vertical clearance between your car's roof and the structure above it. To prevent getting caught, make sure no item in your load is erected.

6. Get water resistant and dust resistant bags.

If you put your load into your trunk or inside the car, you have the assurance that will not end up with road-borne dirt and rainwater. You can have the same assurance in roof racks if you use water resistant and dust resistant bags to cover your actual luggage.

Also, when you get a 4x4 roof rack, make sure you inform your car insurance provider. This can add to your risks but if you are a responsible roof rack user and car owner in general, there will not much problem.


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